Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dewey's Read-a-thon 5th hour challenge:Book Puzzle Hint: 1 word 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Okay to keep in touch 

Twitter: AngelicaBannana

Instagram: Misguided_Ghosts_Paramore

Youtube: JellyBanana

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hello! I will be doing the readathon! So I will be updating every 2 hours or so. The books I will be reading include the following: Anna and the French Kiss, The Maze Runner, and maybe a book that I may buy tomorrow! Im so excited and hope that everyone who participate have as much fun as possible!

Fault In Our Stars Review

For this book I gave it 4.5 stars. Absolutely amazing. There were some times when I wanted to throw the book against a wall. But it was still such an amazing book. This not some lame contemporary book that people might think it is. I suggest you go now and read it. A movie 
will be released sometime 
in June so you better hurry!